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Social-Emotional-Behavioral Assessment

Ages 2-30

Email for fee

Our staff have extensive experience in assessing development from an interdisciplinary perspective in order to identify strengths and weaknesses unique to each individual. This assessment considers physical/body, mind and social-emotional capacities. Goals based on the DIR Functional Emotional Developmental Levels (FEDLS) are developed from the assessment to guide intervention programs and inform parents and professionals of the potential that can be maximized from the appropriate treatment plan. Principles and strategies from other intervention approaches may also be incorporated into the treatment plan if right for your individual child. We also welcome working collaboratively with your child’s intervention team and/or school regardless of variations in methodology. 


Ages 2-30

$35 to $150 an hour

After an initial assessment above, Floortime sessions with one of our Floortime Players will target intensive FEDL goals to foster the healthy development of your child’s social, emotional, and cognitive growth and success. 

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